Food Grudge: Pizza delivery say it's fresh

The farm hands wanted pizza. We decided to call our local pizza delivery company. Everyone was looking forward to the 2 medium special. That was until we tried to pay for the pizza. This showed up on the pizza delivery website

"We're sorry but we don't have that size of dough available"

What? This pizza companies ingredients are suppose to be fresh. If the pizza dough is fresh then why are medium size pizzas not available? We want pizza and you want us to buy bigger pizzas. The farm is not a happy farm because this pizza company is taking away money from the kittens that need food.

The urban farm has a food grudge with Pizza Hut pizza delivery. Pizza Hut if you're going to have a special on a Friday night, make sure that you have enough medium size pizza doughs made. 

Will we be ordering from this Pizza Hut pizza delivery again? That would be a negative.
